Auto Repair Traverse City MI: 231-421-6368
- Mon-Fri: 8:00am to 5:30pm
- Sat: By Appointment
- Sun: Closed
- Map, Location & Directions
- Money Saving Coupons
Auto Services
Auto Air Conditioning
Belts and Hoses
Brake Repair
Car Battery Replacement
Check Engine Light
Cooling System
Exhaust and Muffler
Fuel Injection Service
Oil Change
Steering & Suspension
TPMS – Tire Pressure Monitoring
Transmission and Clutch
Tune Up & Engine Repair
Timing Belt Replacement
Undercar Services
Wheel Bearings
The 3 things i found about Dave
“1, he is a professional in what he does. 2, he is personable and explains what is going on with your vehicle and 3, he takes an attitude of your car being his car and what would he do to make it it safe and reliable as if he were going to be driving it. Keep up the good work Dave and thank you for the work you have put into my car.”
- Jon Rodge
most accurate, thorough and honest car repair shop I've ever used!
“Moore Automotive is the most accurate, thorough and honest car repair shop I've ever used! Moore automotive is also locally owned and owner-operated. David has always explained things clearly to me even when he could have just said "yes it's broke". He gets it right and he gets it right the first time. I've been going to Moore Auto for all my car needs and have never been disappointed. Thanks David!”
- Walt Unke
I have trusted all my vehicles to David at Moore Automotive
“...and have been a customer of his for several years. I would and do recommend him to anyone and everyone. He is honest and trustworthy and makes sure you understand what is wrong with your vehicle or what needs to be done. As far as I am concerned there is NO WHERE else in Traverse City that you should be taking your car!!!”
- Jeanie Houchin