Auto Repair Traverse City MI: 231-421-6368

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Thank you for your business – we really appreciate it! Now, we would appreciate if you could leave your review and share your experiences so that others can benefit from what you’ve got to say. There’s 2 ways to submit a review – You’re welcome to do it through Google, or use the form on this page.


If you’ve already got a Google profile, just click here, and then click the blue “Write a review” button. If you don’t have a Google profile, it’s really easy to create one after you click on the link:

1) click on “Join Google+” at the top of the page
2) click on “Sign Up” in the top right corner
3) enter your email address and choose a password
4) enter your birthday
5) type in the captcha code
6) then leave us a review!

Auto Repair Shop Reviews – Submit Your Review Here

Thank you for taking the time to leave us your comments about the auto repair or service work you’ve just had completed. We really appreciate it!

To make it easier for you to tell us about your auto service experience, we’ve provided you some basic things you can include in your comments. It’s always great to hear what you’ve got to say.
First of all, rest assured that you will not be added to a mailing list, get spammed or bugged to buy something just by filling out the form on the right and leaving your e-mail address. I guarantee that!

When you’re providing your comments, you may want to include some background information about your experiences.

Here’s a couple of questions you may want to answer!

How did you originally come to us for your auto repairs? Referred by a friend? Family member?

Tell us about your last service experience. Can you tell us two or three of the biggest benefits you get from having us service your car?

What’s the best thing about our service?

Would you recommend a friend, co-worker or family member?

Please also add any other comments or suggestions you’ve got. We’re always eager to know how we can make your auto service experience even better!

Thank you once again… we really appreciate it!

Just to recap….

  • What originally brought you to us for service?
  • How was your last service experience?
  • Share two or three of the biggest benefits you get by having us service your vehicle.
  • What’s the biggest benefit you get?
  • Would you recommend a friend, co-worker or family member?
Review Title
Review Content

Your Name*

Your Primary Email*

Review Title
What's the biggest benefit you got from our servivce?


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So you know, all comments are reviewed before being posted ‘live’ on our website. Yes, we do read every one of them and we take this very seriously. We still think that we’re only as good as your last service experience.

Thank you!